Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Privacy policy with regard to the collection and use of personal information on the Psy-Service Inc. Web site


Psy-Service Inc. is seriously committed to the protection of your privacy.

Psy-Service Inc. wants to ensure that you are well informed about our privacy policy with regard to the collection and use of all personal information that you provide to us.

It is essential that you read this policy carefully and understand it before sharing personal information on this Web site.

Although we do maintain reasonably available safeguards, the internet is not a completely secure environment.


This privacy policy describes how Psy-Service Inc., collects and utilizes the personal information you communicate to us.

This policy only applies to the  Our policy does not apply to other websites where you may be redirected when you activate a link on our site. The fact that links are provided between this website and other sites or other sources of information does not imply that the Psy-Service Inc., recommends, endorses or promotes these services. You are always required to consult any privacy policy each time you are redirected.

Personal information

Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual's opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual. Certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories, are not considered personal information.


Each professional you will be match with, is required to subscribe to our privacy policy. Furthermore, each one of these professionals may also be bounded to respect parameters of confidentiality imposed by his professional order, association or his practice. The professional you will consult is responsible for implementing the principles of this policy and any other principles in connection with his practice.

Collection of information for identification purposes

Any personal information collected shall be used only for the purposes hereinafter determined, except in situations subject to the law or for a new use for which the person concerned has consented.

In general, Psy-Service Inc., collects the information allowing to identify you, to contact you, to know your availability and to better understand what motivates you to consult a professional in particular, all in view of matching you with the professional that better suits your personal and geographical situation and needs.


Psy-Service Inc., shall inform all individuals of the collection, use or disclosure of their personal information and shall always obtain their consent.

Limiting the collection

Psy-Service Inc., shall collect only the personal information transmitted by our clients and necessary for the purposes determined. It will specify, whenever required, whether a request for personal information is mandatory or optional and will indicate the consequences of the person’s accepting or refusing to provide one or more pieces of the information requested.

Our computerize system does not track personal information about the visitors to our web site, neither does it collect nor distribute such information. Our web site does recognize the home server of the visitors but not their e-mail addresses. Our system does compile the daily number of visitors to our web site and the daily requests we receive for statistics purposes. These aggregated statistics are used internally to better provide services to our clients.

Limiting use, disclosure and retention

Psy-Service Inc., operates in accordance with ethical, professional, and legal requirements, concerning the use of Personal Information.

Psy-Service Inc., shall under no circumstances use or disclose personal information for any purpose other than that for which it was collected, unless the person concerned authorizes it or if the law so requires. Personal information shall be retained for as long as necessary for the realization of the determined purposes.

Under no circumstances Psy-Service Inc. will sell personal information to third parties.


Accuracy of information

Psy-Service Inc., shall ensure that all personal information is exact, complete and up to date at the moment it is used. You are invited to contribute to the accuracy of the information by communicating to us any changes to be made.

Safeguards and security

All personal information is protected by security measures that are appropriate for the circumstances. Our employees sign confidentiality agreements and safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not accessed, disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered, only authorized personnel and the professional with whom you will be match with, may have access.  We also take measures to ensure that the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent it from being lost or destroyed.


Psy-Service Inc., shall make its privacy policy with regard to the collection and use of personal information accessible to the public. Anyone may consult the policy on our web site or obtain a copy by contacting us.

Individual access to personal information

Psy-Service Inc., shall inform any person who so requests of the existence of personal information related to him or her and of the use that is made of this information. Psy-Service Inc., shall allow any such person to access this information and make any necessary corrections by contacting us in writing.

Receiving and processing your request concerning your personal information

By following the process described on our web site, individuals may access their personal information at any time to ensure that it is correct and current or to edit it. You must forward your request in writing to the following address. Once received, in conformity, your request will be treated in the most reasonable delays. 

Psy-Service Inc.
8226 rue Ogilvie

Montréal, (Québec)

H8P 3R4

Tel. : 1800 901 6453

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note: Psy-Service Inc., reserves the right to make modifications to this policy.


Terms and conditions

Please read these terms carefully before using this web site. Using this web site indicates that you accept these terms. If you do not accept these terms, do not use this web site.


Psy-Service Inc., offers services of counseling and psychotherapy and informs you of its modalities to obtain these services.


Psy-Service Inc., website contains general information and provides different resources related to mental health. This website is dedicated to the general public and to practitioners in the mental health field.


Use of Services

Except in cases where a legal contract states otherwise, the information provided on Psy-Service Inc. website is for the users’ personal and non-commercial use. The content found on, may not be copied, reproduced, redistributed, or published in its original or modified form without being appropriately referenced and linked.

In addition to obtaining general information related to mental health, users visiting, may find instructions on how to:


consult a professional

register for an event

answer a satisfaction and evaluation survey

write a testimonial


If you need additional information or required any help, we invite you to complete the form to direct you to the right place.

Psy-Service Inc., reserves the right to edit or modify any testimonial that has been submitted to us. These testimonials become the property of the Psy-Service Inc. and may be used in our website.


Legitimacy of Information

Psy-Service Inc., commits to publishing true information only.
All texts about health or mental health appearing in our web site, have been written or examined by professionals or specialists in the field.


Ownership & Copyright

This website is the property of Psy-Service Inc.  The entire content of this website, including all texts, photographs, video and audio files, is protected by copyright laws in force, is and will remain the property of the Psy-Service Inc.



The terms and conditions of use of our web site only apply to, they do not apply to other websites where you may be redirected when you activate a link on our site. You are always required to consult any privacy policy each time you are redirected.



See our Privacy Policy for detailed information regarding the collection and use of personal information.


Use of Cookies

We may use cookies, for example, to keep track or preserve your preferences, to identify your browser or your operating system, to keep track of the consultation time of each page and to gather other information of general order. The information collected does not allow to identity the visitor. The information collected could be used for statistical purposes.

Note: Psy-Service Inc., reserves the right to make modifications to this terms and conditions.



This web site is intended to provide general information, this information is provided as a courtesy only by Psy-Service Inc.. 

The information provided through the Psy-Service Inc. Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional or medical advice, assessment, evaluation, consultation, treatment or follow-up, which can only be provided by a health professional. We encourage our visitors to seek and consult with qualified health and mental health care professionals for answers to personal and medical questions or assistance.  In the case of a crisis or emergency, you may go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, or to a community crisis centre.   Psy-Service Inc., will not be held accountable if the application of the information by the user yields negative consequences.


Note: Psy-Service Inc., reserves the right to make modifications to this disclaimer.



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